
MESEA Store allows users to purchase items such as cards and tokens following the ERC-1155 standard and use these items as their primary assets to invest in MESEA's services, such as Staking Card, Lottery, Marketplace, and more. This enables users to both own digital assets and earn passive income from the mentioned services, providing an opportunity to generate additional revenue while holding and utilizing their digital assets.

Store Item also have commission so don't miss Decentralized Affiliate Program


Affiliate Commissions

Buy Lottery Ticket Commission

  • When a user purchases a lottery ticket from a store, the referrer receives a commission

  • Beneficiaries: Pay to affiliate tiers of users (up to 3 levels)

  • Calculated on the purchase fee and according to the table below:

Buy Cards Commission

  • When a user purchases a card from a store, the referrer receives a commission

  • Beneficiaries: Pay to affiliate tiers of users (up to 15%)

  • Formula:

    1. Pay overflow, calculated on the purchase fee and according to the level of the referrer in Saving

    2. The total commission paid is limited to 15% and is calculated as follows:

Last updated