NFT Launchpads
NFT Launchpads is a supporting platform, kickstarting NFT projects, through which many creators can raise funds, and run marketing campaigns on MESEA. MESEA users can join the NFT Launchpad to invest early in these types of projects.
The MESEA team will directly work with these projects to examine the quality and then introduce them to the community.
NFT launchpads will support NFT projects in the initial stages, supporting projects in aspects such as technology, community building, cost-cutting, and higher ROI for investors.
I want to do a drop on MESEA. Where do I start?
We love to hear that! Please reach out to our Partnerships team at [email protected].
MESEA is a marketplace platform that enables the owners of creative works to manage and trade their assets in the form of digital assets. Through the simplest procedures, we provide you with instructions on how to register for the NFT Launchpad as follows:
Step 1: The creator registers on the MESEA Marketplace launchpad
Please note that creators must have a premium account to have the privilege of creating NFT Launchpads.
Step 2: The creator fills in the registration information based on the fields in the form
Please note that the creator must fill in all fields to create NFT Launchpads. We will define the meaning of some important fields below:
Name Of Launchpad: The name of the launchpad you register, which will be displayed on the marketplace.
Name Of Collection: The name of the launchpad that will be shown on related transactions.
Social Media (Your Website, Discord, Twitter, Telegram): The networks where users can find information about the creator's assets and copyrights. This is crucial for the development of the creator's digital assets.
Your assets NFTs: The space for uploading images or files related to the digital assets you want to launch on the platform. MESEA will use this information to verify if your files meet the requirements for launching.
Mint Schedule: The sessions or phases in which the creator wants to launch and release their assets. It can be one session or multiple sessions.
Creator fee rate: The percentage fee that the creator wants to receive when users mint NFTs. It can be a minimum of 0% (free for mint).
Affiliate Rates: The percentage fee that the creator wants to share with individuals who refer (present) the collection to a larger user community. It can be a minimum of 0%, and it is set only once when creating the launchpad.
Step 3: Creators can view the launchpad they've just created by selecting Profile -> Your Launchpads
Step 4: Creators have their own landing page and can customize the information for easier user access
Please note that at this stage, the launchpad has only been successfully registered and can be edited. Creators must wait or contact MESEA's support department to proceed further as soon as possible
Step 5: Creators edit the information within the launchpad to finalize it.
Promo code: Creating a referral discount rate to directly introduce NFTs to users is aimed at creating a win-win value for everyone in the community. Users can follow the steps below:
On/Off Editor Mode: Creators can use this feature to complete, add, or edit information to create a fully detailed launchpad page
Settings: Creators can adjust affiliate and various fees for the launchpad by following the steps below:
Step 6: The creator has completed all the steps to create a comprehensive NFT Launchpad. Please wait or contact MESEA's support department directly to proceed with the NFT launching process.
Last updated